Episode 17
The Triad of Self-Care with Dr. De Long
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HOPE on the Other Side Episode 17 Program Notes:
Today’s guest, is Dr. Byron De Long, an author and former professional chiropractor who has created a technique called “Somatic Inner Work.”
Self care for the caregiver of a loved one, or the care for client, patient, or an individual is a foundational practice to allow for resiliency and to strengthen the capacity to effectively carry out the role of caregiver.
There are several layers or levels to the person: physical, vital – feeling, emotional, mental, and spiritual. Dr De Long is sharing the model of care of the physical level. There are three categories to this “triad of self-care,” as follows: 1) diet, 2) exercise, 3) rest. The vital level for example is summed up in kinesthetic awareness. The saying HALT, points to part of that level: H.A.L.T. is an acronym for Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired. The physical is the foundation for the higher levels of self-care to optimize getting through the day to day life, and enjoying the process.
The two big sections of diet are macronutrients and micronutrients. The first is protein, fats and carbohydrates. This will be found in a healthy balanced diet. The second one refers to vitamins and minerals. It is recommended to consider a modest micronutrient regimen: a multi-vitamin with minerals, and two oils: flax seed oil and fish oil. The essential fatty acid called linolenic acid from a tablespoon (tbsp) per day of liquid flax oil is recommended. Caution not to cook with the oils, but mix into yogurt or use in salads. Also, capsules are good. Fiber supplement is also recommended, in addition to good healthy diet with grains, nuts, and vegetables. Watch for and use a product with both soluble and in soluble fiber. This actually helps maintain good probiotics, good bacterial population in the gut, and helps the digestive system, and emotional moods. Imagine fixing your own meals as if you were preparing a meal for someone you love; use an attitude of self-love.
It is more than just running on a treadmill or pumping iron. For example a walk outdoors, in a park or a neighborhood with trees is great. Other opportunities include walking up and down stairs (using the handrail), light swimming in the pool. It can be fun to dance at home alone, with some of your favorite music. Move your body in a way that stimulates vitality, feeling good, and enjoying life.
The five (5) qualities to cultivate are as follows: 1) strength, 2) endurance, 3) coordination, 4) flexibility, 5) rest. Cardio exercises help develop endurance. Dancing helps develop coordination and balance. Yoga type stretches, and postures, the asanas help with flexibility. Relaxation is the opposite of a muscle’s ability to contract. In our modern stressful society, many folks carry muscular tension. Thus, the muscle groups in the body need a new “set-point” and relaxation is key here. Yoga style stretches held in position with breathing into the posture helps re-set the muscle tension to a lower level.
Sleep is the first aspect of rest. Sleep deprivation results in lower healing of the body, reduced cognitive faculties, increased vulnerability to emotional stress. During the day one needs periods of relaxation: meditation period, reading a book, a nap, a time out to refresh your self.
Dr. De Long recommends that you keep this triad in mind on a daily basis, and even during the course of the day. Just like airline pilots on a long flight, some course corrections and accommodations for weather are necessary to arrive at the destination. So, monitoring yourself on a day to day basis and across the hours in a day will give you the data, the information about your body that you will need to keep your functioning well, as the foundation for both self-care and to carry on in your chosen role as a caregiver. In this manner you may reflect on where you are in physical self-care, and in which areas you can improve your level of self-love, and enhance your self-care in the triad of diet, exercise and rest. This will support your being and living as a balanced and effective care-giver for someone living with chronic psychosis, such as schizophrenia.
E-Mail Dr De Long at bgdelong@cox.net
Land Line phone (texting not available)
(619) 295-9746